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Seeking recommendations for the best laptop for a small business owner

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As a small business owner, I'm in the market for a new laptop that can handle my day-to-day operations efficiently. I'm looking for something reliable, powerful enough for multitasking, and with good battery life for when I'm working on the go. My budget is flexible, but I want to ensure I'm getting the best value for my investment.

Some key features I'm considering:

  1. Performance for running multiple applications simultaneously
  2. Portability for easy transport between meetings and work locations
  3. Durability to withstand frequent use and travel
  4. Adequate storage for business files and documents
  5. Good display for presentations and long hours of work

I'd love to hear your recommendations and experiences. What laptops have worked well for you as a small business owner? Are there any specific brands or models you'd suggest? Any features you've found particularly useful for business purposes?
